Paul Saunders
Paul Saunders is the President of Suncoast Solutions and has over 50 years of professional experience in nuclear-related fields and is an active member of our industry. Paul’s specialty is developing innovative solutions and strategy development in the areas of Radioactive Waste, Radiation Protection, Radioactive Water Processing, and Liquid Effluents Management.
Paul spent sixteen years at New York Power Authority’s Indian Point Unit 3 where he finished as Acting Radiation Protection Manager and eight years at CENTEC XXI as a partner and Vice President of Development before starting Suncoast Solutions in 2002. In 2023, Paul was the recipient of the American Society of Mechanical Engineers Sarge Ozker award that honors an individual for distinguished service and eminent achievement in the commercialization of nuclear energy, particularly in the field of radioactive waste management.
Paul’s contributions to the industry include taking lead roles in reviewing the adequacy of liquid and solid waste processing and radiation safety design features for advanced nuclear plants including the Westinghouse AP1000, General Electric ESBWR/ABWR, and the Bechtel mPower SMR design was the lead consultant for updates to the Electric Power Research Institute Advanced Reactor Utility Requirements Document as it applies to Radioactive Waste and Radiation Protection. He has authored or contributed significantly to an extensive list of EPRI, IAEA, ANSI, CNL, and other facility-specific documents. Paul has supported projects at over 80 domestic and international agencies and reactor sites on five continents, helping them solve unique and often complex radioactive waste challenges.