Meggan Vickerd
Ms. Vickerd has worked at Canadian Nuclear Laboratories for over 15 years primarily supporting decommissioning and waste management. In her current role as the Deputy Vice President of Waste and Fuel Programs, Ms. Vickerd is responsible for the operation of radioactive waste processing and storage facilities as well as the development of strategic waste services and capabilities required to support CNL’s cleanup mission as well as the continued operation of the Chalk River site. CNL has a history of over 70 years in the area of nuclear waste management and Ms. Vickerd started her career rummaging around Canada’s oldest waste management areas thus has a true appreciation for the evolution of waste management and application of modern standards.
Ms. Vickerd has been part of the CNL team actively implementing long-term waste management solutions through three proposed waste management projects currently undergoing federal environmental assessments and submitted licence applications to the Canadian regulator. This includes the Near Surface Disposal Facility (NSDF) which is the proposed disposal facility for Canadian government-owned low-level waste and enables the environmental cleanup missions underway at CNL sites. In the last few years, Ms. Vickerd has had the opportunity to engage in meaningful conversations with the public and Indigenous peoples in the area of nuclear waste and realize the benefit this engagement has on the overall safety case of a nuclear waste facility.